Patch 10.7 release date
Patch 10.7 release date


We hope you enjoy, and we'll catch you out on the Abyss!


Going forward, we're making the following 65 champions always free to play in ARAM: Aatrox, Ahri, Akali, Amumu, Annie, Ashe, Brand, Braum, Caitlyn, Cho'Gath, Darius, Draven, Ekko, Ezreal, Fiora, Fizz, Garen, Graves, Irelia, Janna, Jarvan IV, Jax, Jhin, Jinx, Karma, Karthus, Katarina, Kayle, Kha'Zix, LeBlanc, Lee Sin, Leona, Lucian, Lulu, Lux, Malphite, Maokai, Master Yi, Miss Fortune, Mordekaiser, Morgana, Nautilus, Nidalee, Pantheon, Pyke, Quinn, Renekton, Riven, Ryze, Sivir, Sona, Soraka, Thresh, Tristana, Tryndamere, Twisted Fate, Twitch, Varus, Vayne, Veigar, Vel'Koz, Vladimir, Wukong, Xayah, and Zed, in addition to the current Weekly Free Rotation.ĭoing things this way allows us to give ARAM players a broader and more consistent set of champions to pull from, as well as making the free-to-play pool easier to understand for new players. Before 10.7, the previous three Weekly Free Rotations were available to play in ARAM. We're updating the way free-to-play champions are chosen for ARAM. CANNON MINIONS SPAWN : Cannon minions begin spawning every other wave at 8:00 and then every wave at 19:00ĪRAM Free to Play Rotation and Balance Changes.ELDER DRAGON : Elder Dragon has a 4:30 respawn time.DRAKES SPAWN : Elemental Drakes spawn at 3:30 and have a 3:30 respawn time.BARON NASHOR SPAWN : Baron Nashor spawns at 15:00 and has a 4:30 respawn time.RIFT HERALD SPAWN : Rift Herald first spawns at 6:00 and has a 4:30 respawn time.BARON KILL : Baron Nashor grants a Eye of the Herald on kill.MONSTER MASH : Non-champion units deal 25% increased damage to structures.JUNGLE GOLD AND XP : Jungle monsters give 15% bonus gold and experience.MINION GOLD AND XP : Minion gold and XP values are multiplied by roughly 130%.24K MAGIC : Players will start with 950g.COOL KICKS : Players will have a faster and longer-lasting Homeguard at the beginning of the game.STRUCTURE DAMAGE : Players begin dealing increased damage to structures at 12:30, scaling up to +25% at 25:00.FLASH IN A PAN : Players gain 40% CDR on summoner spells.HE'S ON THE RUN, HE'S #1 : Players gain 40 movement speed out-of-combat.They'll also give 130% more gold than in regular SR. The plates fall off at 8:00 and give 50% of resistances compared to regular SR. TURRET PLATES : Turrets in OFA now have plates with URF-style health rules (scaling health rather than even increments).TURRET “BACKDOOR” DAMAGE REDUCTION : 66% ⇒ 90%.

patch 10.7 release date

  • WUKONG : -5% damage dealt & +5% damage taken.
  • VOLIBEAR : +5% damage taken & -10% healing.
  • DARIUS : +5% damage taken & -5% healing.
  • YUUMI : +5% damage dealt & -10% damage taken.
  • THRESH : +5% damage dealt & -5% damage taken.
  • BARD : +5% damage dealt & -7% damage taken.
  • Sylas and his allies will now properly receive Galio's magic damage shield if Sylas steals and casts Galio's ultimate.
  • The inner (second) turret on Chaos side (red side) will now properly target enemies standing within its range.
  • Azir's Sun Discs now properly target enemies standing within their range.
  • Even when Shaco purchases a Death's Dance or Phantom Dancer, his Hallucination (clone) now properly expires once its timer is up instead of staying permanently on the map.
  • VOLIBEAR : +5% damage taken & -10% healing ⇒ -7% damage dealt & +7% damage taken.
  • TRUNDLE : -5% damage dealt & +5% damage taken.
  • KAYLE : -3% damage dealt & +3% damage taken.
  • DARIUS : +5% damage taken & -5% healing ⇒ -5% damage dealt & -5% healing.
  • patch 10.7 release date

  • YUUMI : +5% damage dealt & -10% damage taken ⇒ +15% damage dealt, -15% damage taken & +5% movement speed.
  • THRESH : +5% damage dealt & -5% damage taken ⇒ +7% damage dealt & -5% damage taken.
  • SORAKA : +5% healing ⇒ +3% damage dealt, -3% damage taken & +10% healing.
  • patch 10.7 release date

    REK'SAI : +5% damage dealt & -5% damage taken.NUNU : +5% healing ⇒ +3% damage dealt, -3% damage taken & +5% healing.NIDALEE : +5% damage dealt & -5% damage taken.

    patch 10.7 release date

  • IVERN : +3% damage dealt & -3% damage taken.
  • EVELYNN : -5% damage taken ⇒ +7% damage dealt & -5% damage taken.
  • BARD : +5% damage dealt & -7% damage taken ⇒ +10% damage dealt & -7% damage taken.

    Mid Patch Updates One-For-All and Fiddlesticks Balance Changes Fiddlesticks

  • 7 ARAM Free to Play Rotation and Balance Changes.
  • 1.1 One-For-All and Fiddlesticks Balance Changes.

  • Patch 10.7 release date